9 08, 2021

Projecting Government – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2021-08-09T23:49:24-04:00August 9th, 2021|Economist, Fed Reserve, Financial, Outlook, Policy|Comments Off on Projecting Government – Wesbury’s Outlook

In an ideal world, analysts and investors wouldn't have to spend much time, perhaps none at all, trying to manage around changes in government policy. In that world, government – be it in terms of spending, taxes, or regulation – would be small and consistent enough to not require much thought. Unfortunately, we don't live [...]

29 06, 2021

Who Will Be the Next Fed Chief? – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2021-06-29T00:55:13-04:00June 29th, 2021|Debt, Economist, Fed Reserve, Financial, Governments, Interest Rates, Outlook, Policy|Comments Off on Who Will Be the Next Fed Chief? – Wesbury’s Outlook

One of the key decisions President Biden will make later this year is who is going to run the Federal Reserve for the next four years. Current Fed chief Jerome Powell's term as chairman runs out in February 2022. We think the choice will ultimately come down to two people: Roger Ferguson or Jerome Powell. [...]

17 05, 2021

Unsustainable – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2021-05-17T17:00:25-04:00May 17th, 2021|Economist, Financial, Interest Rates, Media, Outlook, Policy, Spending|Comments Off on Unsustainable – Wesbury’s Outlook

The US economy is recovering rapidly from the COVID-19 disaster. The rollout of vaccines, the lifting of restrictions, loose monetary policy, and a massive increase in government spending are all playing their parts. The problem is that the massive government "stimulus" checks have put the economy in a strange position, where retail sales are far [...]

16 03, 2021

Inflation and the Fed – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2021-03-16T15:03:53-04:00March 16th, 2021|Debt, Economist, Fed Reserve, Financial, GDP, Interest Rates, Outlook, Policy|Comments Off on Inflation and the Fed – Wesbury’s Outlook

We believe inflation is still, and always will be, a monetary phenomenon. It is defined as "too much money chasing too few goods and services" – but that doesn't mean every period of higher inflation is going to look exactly the same. Today's case for higher inflation is easy to understand. The M2 measure of [...]

8 12, 2020

2021: Robust Growth, Higher Inflation – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2020-12-08T17:05:37-05:00December 8th, 2020|Debt, Economist, Employment, Fear, Financial, Outlook, Policy|Comments Off on 2021: Robust Growth, Higher Inflation – Wesbury’s Outlook

The COVID-19 Recession is the weirdest we've ever had. There is no way anyone could have forecast it. It did not happen because the Fed was too tight. It did not happen because of a trade war. It was self-inflicted, caused by COVID shutdowns. And, in spite of a V-shaped bounce off the bottom – [...]

1 12, 2020

S&P 4,200 – Dow 35,000 – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2020-12-01T05:53:43-05:00December 1st, 2020|Economist, Financial, Media, Outlook, Policy|Comments Off on S&P 4,200 – Dow 35,000 – Wesbury’s Outlook

In December 2019, we made a year-end 2020 forecast of 3,650 for the S&P 500. With the index closing Friday at 3,638, that looks like a very good call. But we'd be fibbing if we didn't admit to getting whipsawed by COVID-19. In the spring the S&P 500 fell as low as 2,237, pricing in [...]

9 11, 2020

No Wave is Good News For Stocks- Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2020-11-09T19:27:38-05:00November 9th, 2020|Economist, Fear, Financial, Media, Outlook, Policy|Comments Off on No Wave is Good News For Stocks- Wesbury’s Outlook

While the election is still not certified, and court battles will drag on, it appears that we can draw two firm conclusions from the 2020 election. First, the pollsters were horribly wrong again. Secondly, American voters do not want a radical shift in economic policy. While Vice President Biden declared victory based on statistical evidence [...]

20 10, 2020

GDP Soars in Third Quarter – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2020-10-20T14:09:38-04:00October 20th, 2020|Economist, Financial, Media, Outlook, Policy, Spending, Trade, Uncategorized|Comments Off on GDP Soars in Third Quarter – Wesbury’s Outlook

There is nothing normal about the 2020 recession. Massive nationwide shutdowns of "non-essential" businesses caused real GDP to drop at a 31.4% annual rate in the second quarter, the biggest drop since the 1930s. However, as we expected, a V-shaped recovery is being traced out. On October 29th, in ten days, we expect a report [...]

17 08, 2020

Biden’s Tax Hike Agenda – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2020-08-17T14:23:53-04:00August 17th, 2020|Economist, Financial, Media, Outlook, Policy|Comments Off on Biden’s Tax Hike Agenda – Wesbury’s Outlook

Election Day is eleven weeks from tomorrow. In political time, this is an eternity. However, with the White House, about one-third of the Senate, and the entire House of Representatives on the ballot, this election is significant. Particularly because the two presidential candidates have such stark differences in policy perspectives, especially with respect to taxes. [...]

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