29 06, 2020

Not Locking Down – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2020-06-29T14:59:06-04:00June 29th, 2020|Economist, Financial, Media, Outlook|0 Comments

A resurgence of new Coronavirus cases around the country has created uncertainty for investors. Stock markets fell last week, not because of the virus, but because investors fear another round of economy-killing, government-mandated lockdowns. We don't expect that to happen, but when the government is involved, risks are definitely higher. After the peak in early [...]

1 06, 2020

More Green Shoots – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2020-06-01T15:39:10-04:00June 1st, 2020|Economist, Financial, GDP, Governments, Media, Outlook, Uncategorized|0 Comments

A full recovery from the COVID-19/Shutdown Crisis is going to take a long time. We don't anticipate reaching a new peak for real GDP until the end of 2021; we don't anticipate a 4% unemployment rate until 2024. However, there is a growing amount of evidence that the economy may have hit bottom in May. [...]

30 03, 2020

The Coronavirus Threat – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2020-03-30T12:39:27-04:00March 30th, 2020|Debt, Fear, Financial, GDP, Governments, International, Outlook|0 Comments

Total deaths in the US from COVID19 look like they'll hit at least 3,000 by the end of March. A potentially brutal April lies ahead. In the meantime, the measures taken to limit deaths have temporarily tanked the US economy. Initial claims for jobless benefits soared to 3.283 million per week, easily the highest ever. [...]

9 03, 2020

Headline Interruption – Michael Rogan

By |2020-03-11T12:03:49-04:00March 9th, 2020|Financial, Media|0 Comments

We thought we would interrupt your daily routine with an update on the current panic/crisis du jour. if you have taken our advice and are not watching the news, then you can stop reading here and continue to go about your lives.   If, however, you’re like most of us and find it nearly impossible [...]

24 02, 2020

Yes, There Was a Housing Bubble, But Not Now – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2020-02-24T22:22:28-05:00February 24th, 2020|Financial, Interest Rates, Outlook, Policy|0 Comments

One of the worst bipartisan policy decisions in the past generation was the aggressive government push in the 1990s and 2000s to promote homeownership, beyond what the free market could handle. Policymakers encouraged Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to gobble up lots of subprime debt, in turn boosting lending to borrowers who couldn't handle their [...]

22 01, 2020

Moderate Growth in Q4 – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2020-01-22T15:40:59-05:00January 22nd, 2020|Bullish, Employment, Fed Reserve, Financial, Interest Rates, Outlook, Policy, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Back in mid-November, the highly respected GDP forecasting model from the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank (also known as "GDP Now"), estimated that real GDP would only grow at a 0.3% annual rate in the fourth quarter, which, if accurate, would have been the slowest growth for any quarter since 2015. At the time, we were [...]

9 12, 2019

Good News is Good News – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2019-12-09T13:30:49-05:00December 9th, 2019|Bullish, Employment, Financial, Outlook, Policy|0 Comments

A year ago, conventional wisdom became convinced that a stock market correction was really the beginning of a "bear market," and a sure sign that recession was on its way. Oops. Conventional wisdom was wrong again. The Pouting Pundits still talk about ISM surveys being weak, and fret that a trade war is brewing. But, [...]

4 11, 2019

No Recession on the Horizon – Wesbury’s Outlook

By |2019-11-04T16:13:33-05:00November 4th, 2019|Fed Reserve, Financial, GDP, Interest Rates, Outlook, Policy|0 Comments

Since the earliest days of the current economic expansion, there have been naysayers asserting the US was on the brink of another recession. Remember all the fear about another wave of home foreclosures, or a disaster in commercial real estate, or the Fiscal Cliff, or Greece potentially leaving the Eurozone, or German bank defaults, or [...]

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