5 03, 2018

Wesbury’s Outlook – Harleys, Bourbon & Denim

By |2018-03-05T20:55:13-05:00March 5th, 2018|Bullish, Fed Reserve, Financial, Governments, International, Policy, Taxes|Comments Off on Wesbury’s Outlook – Harleys, Bourbon & Denim

The US doesn't face "secular stagnation" caused by outside or uncontrollable forces, like foreigners (and bad trade deals), technology that steals jobs, or Unions that are too weak.  Growth is slow because government has grown too big. In 2000, non-defense government spending was just 14.7% of GDP.  President Bush's "compassionate conservatism" - followed by TARP, [...]

2 01, 2018

Wesbury’s Outlook – Revolution

By |2018-01-02T13:20:42-05:00January 2nd, 2018|Financial, Governments, Interest Rates, Policy, Taxes|Comments Off on Wesbury’s Outlook – Revolution

One word that could describe Donald Trump's unexpected ascendancy to the presidency is – "revolt."  Revolt against the "establishment."  Revolt against the "status quo." After all, status quo bureaucracies, tax rates, institutions, regulations, and narratives promised prosperity, yet the economy was mired in slow growth and many felt it was hard to get ahead.  Reliably [...]

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