20 03, 2018

Wesbury’s Outlook – The Powell Fed: A New Era

By |2018-03-20T21:43:49-04:00March 20th, 2018|Bullish, Fed Reserve, Financial, Governments, International, Policy, Taxes|Comments Off on Wesbury’s Outlook – The Powell Fed: A New Era

In the history of the NCAA Basketball Tournament, a 16th seed has never, ever, beaten a one seed...until this year.  But, on Friday, the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) beat the University of Virginia – not just a number one seed, but the top ranked team in the USA. We don't expect the unexpected, [...]

14 03, 2018

Wesbury’s Outlook – Stay Invested: Economy Looks Good

By |2018-03-14T10:31:56-04:00March 14th, 2018|Bullish, Fed Reserve, Financial, Governments, International, Policy, Taxes|Comments Off on Wesbury’s Outlook – Stay Invested: Economy Looks Good

The current recovery started in June 2009, 105 months ago, making it the third longest recovery in U.S. history. The longest – a 120-month recovery in the 1990s – saw real GDP expand an annual average of 3.6%.  The current recovery has experienced just a 2.2% average annual growth rate – what we have referred [...]

5 03, 2018

Wesbury’s Outlook – Harleys, Bourbon & Denim

By |2018-03-05T20:55:13-05:00March 5th, 2018|Bullish, Fed Reserve, Financial, Governments, International, Policy, Taxes|Comments Off on Wesbury’s Outlook – Harleys, Bourbon & Denim

The US doesn't face "secular stagnation" caused by outside or uncontrollable forces, like foreigners (and bad trade deals), technology that steals jobs, or Unions that are too weak.  Growth is slow because government has grown too big. In 2000, non-defense government spending was just 14.7% of GDP.  President Bush's "compassionate conservatism" - followed by TARP, [...]

26 02, 2018

Wesbury’s Outlook – Deficits, the Fed, and Rates

By |2018-02-26T14:26:53-05:00February 26th, 2018|Bullish, Fed Reserve, Financial, Governments, Interest Rates|Comments Off on Wesbury’s Outlook – Deficits, the Fed, and Rates

Forgive us our incredulity.  The bond vigilantes were certain that as the Federal Reserve hiked short-term rates, long-term interest rates would barely budge, the yield curve would invert, and the economy would fall into recession. That theory has been blown to smithereens, so now we hear that it's rising long-term rates that will cause a [...]

21 02, 2018

Wesbury’s Outlook – QE and Its Apologists

By |2018-02-21T00:38:52-05:00February 21st, 2018|Bullish, Financial, Governments, Interest Rates|Comments Off on Wesbury’s Outlook – QE and Its Apologists

On March 9, 2018, the bull market in U.S. stocks will celebrate its ninth anniversary.  And, what we find most amazing is how few people truly understand it.  To this day, in spite of massive increases in corporate earnings, many still think the market is one big "sugar high" – a bubble built on a [...]

13 02, 2018

Wesbury’s Outlook – Snatching Slow Growth from the Jaws of Fast Growth

By |2018-02-13T11:06:29-05:00February 13th, 2018|Fed Reserve, Financial, Governments|Comments Off on Wesbury’s Outlook – Snatching Slow Growth from the Jaws of Fast Growth

The U.S. economy continues to be lifted by an incredible wave of new technology.  Fracking, 3-D printing, smartphones, apps, and the cloud have boosted productivity and profits.  Yet taxes, regulation and spending all increased markedly in the past decade, raising the burden of government and dragging down the real GDP growth rate to a modest [...]

9 02, 2018

This is just a correction….

By |2018-02-09T13:20:00-05:00February 9th, 2018|Financial, Interest Rates|Comments Off on This is just a correction….

Posted Under: Bullish • Government • Markets • Research Reports • Fed Reserve • Interest Rates • Spending • Taxes • Stocks   Last year US stock markets experienced the least volatile year on record, hitting new highs seemingly every day.  Then came the tax reform bill to end 2017, and a huge January with the S&P 500 rising 5.6%.  Investors, especially individuals who finally became convinced that the rally would [...]

5 02, 2018

Wesbury’s Outlook – New Policies, New Path

By |2018-02-05T22:17:30-05:00February 5th, 2018|Financial, Interest Rates|Comments Off on Wesbury’s Outlook – New Policies, New Path

Back in the 1970s, supporters of the status quo said there was nothing to be done about stagflation (high inflation and slow growth).  It was a "fact of life" that Americans had to accept after experiencing faster growth and lower inflation during the decades immediately following World War II. Then, along came the supply-side and [...]

30 01, 2018

Wesbury’s Outlook – Clear Skies Ahead

By |2018-01-30T11:03:58-05:00January 30th, 2018|Financial, Interest Rates|Comments Off on Wesbury’s Outlook – Clear Skies Ahead

You know the old saying about every cloud having a silver lining?  Well, if you listen to some of the financial press, you'd think their motto was that clear skies are just clouds in disguise. Friday's GDP report showed the economy grew 2.5% in 2017, an acceleration from the average rate of 2.2% from the [...]

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